Arindam Dey Sarkar

DGM - Service Excellence and Hospitality Woodlands Multispecialty Hospital, India

Mr Arindam Dey Sarkar is the DGM, Service Excellence and Hospitality, of Woodlands Multispeciality Hospital, Kolkata. He has 21 years of experience in the Healthcare and Hotel industries. His Hotel management background gives him extensive knowledge and experience, which adds another dimension in his quest for Healthcare Hospitality and Service excellence. In 2019, he completed his Patient Experience course from Medline Institute, Chicago, USA and in 2022 the Executive program in Business Management from IMT, Ghaziabad. He has spent 20 years in Healthcare and has travelled across the globe to understand the Service Delivery dynamics of various healthcare Institutes.

Patient & Visitor Experience and Allied Health Theatre

10:10 AM Case Study on Woodlands Multispecialty Hospital: Elevating Patient Experience: Harnessing Digital Tools and Patient Feedback for Quality Healthcare

  • Understanding the importance of patient feedback and engagement in improving patient experience 
  • Leveraging on digitalisation for conducting patient satisfaction surveys  
  • Analysing patient feedback data to drive quality improvement initiatives on floor 

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