Care Reimagined Day Two: Thursday, 20 March 2025

Care Reimagined Day Two: Thursday, 20 March 2025

-         Understanding the workforce planning changes needed to support a new operating model

-         Considering how to best connect workers outside of the hospital to deliver high-quality care

-         Exploring the digital capabilities needed to maximise mobility

-         Understanding the needs of all frontline care workers to evolve the care they provide


Maree Ruge

Chief Nursing & Midwifery Informatics Officer
Metro North Health


A/Prof Clair Sullivan

Chief Digital Health Officer
Metro North Hospital and Health Service


Rebecca Roberts

Group Chief People and Culture Officer
St Vincent's Health Australia

10:10 am - 10:30 am Presentation | The Future Starts Now: Showcasing The Real Technologies Ready to Transform Frontline Care

JEN BICHEL-FINDLAY - Chair, Nursing and Midwifery Community of Practice, Australian Institute of Digital Health (AIDH)

The innovative technologies available today present exceptional possibilities for enhancing patient care and supporting clinicians. This session will explore a myriad of transformative tools that streamline workflows and improve patient outcomes – such as AI-assisted dressing, medical-grade stethoscope apps, vein finders, personalised discharge instructions, keyless documentation systems & more. By focusing on safety, quality, and efficiency, these technologies aim to minimise errors and improve overall care. Join to see how they can empower clinicians and redefine the standards of healthcare delivery.



Chair, Nursing and Midwifery Community of Practice
Australian Institute of Digital Health (AIDH)

10:40 am - 11:00 am Reserved for Sponsor

-         Recognising different trends in rural versus metropolitan areas

-         Homing in on demographics of concern including regional communities, young people, low socio-economic status & more

-         Aligning with changing regulations

-         Regaining patient and public trust in modern mental health care 


Maria Casbolt

Student Health & Mental Health Wellbeing
NSW Department of Education


Sally Hasler

Women's Health Victoria


Harry Iles-Mann

Patient/Consumer Advocate and Consumer Reference Lead
Australian Digital Health Agency

11:40 am - 12:00 pm Case Study | Mental Health: Treating it as the Emergency it is

Penny Jones - Director Integrated Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs, Mid North Coast Local Health District

The EMHAART program is a trauma-informed, recovery-oriented program designed to provide rapid, specialised care for individuals experiencing acute mental health and alcohol and other drug needs. The model values diversity and inclusion, ensuring that care is responsive to the unique needs for people seeking immediate cultural and gender-specific care and support in regional and rural areas.

Grounded in best practice principles, EMHAART seeks to address the social and political determinants of health by promoting equitable access to mental health support and mitigating factors that contribute to common disparities. By integrating mental health and alcohol and other drug professionals with emergency teams, the program enhances patient outcomes, reduces restrictive practices, enhances cultural safety and fosters long-term recovery through person-centred, compassionate care.


Penny Jones

Director Integrated Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs
Mid North Coast Local Health District

-         Exploring what an effective mental health care system looks like and how expertise, technology and resources can be best utilised to realise the vision

-         Utilising HITH, community and virtual care options to reduce strain on traditional care facitilies

-         Embedding lived experience into transformation

-         Gauging how community mental health care should sit within the wider healthcare system

-         Addressing access disparities by increasing availability of rural resources and care

-         The role of psychology within the mental health industry


Wendy Hoey

Chief Executive
NSW Justice Health & Forsensic Mental Health Network


Simon Stafrace

Program Director, Alfred Mental Health and Addiction
Alfred Health


Butho Moyo

Mental Health Clinical Lead
The Victorian Virtual Emergency Department


Oliver Higgins

Associate Director Mental Health
Central Coast LHD


Taimi Allan

Menta Health Commissioner
South Australian Government

-         Creative initiatives for a positive culture among frontline staff

-         Enabling a healthy work-life balance, championing self-care and encouraging healthy sleeping patterns

-         Creating easily accessible avenues for support and guidance

-         Ensuring any workforce wellbeing and talent initiatives include the perspectives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples


Sandhya Limaye

Director of Wellbeing, Staff Specialist
Sydney Local Health District


Peter Shine

Executive Director Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health & Workforce
North Sydney LHD


Hayley Farry

Executive Director Workforce
Sunshine Coast Hospital & Health Service

1:00 pm - 1:20 pm Learners to Leaders - Creating an 80% Retention Rate with a Graduate Rural Allied Healthcare Program

Katrina Rohr - Allied Health Rural Graduate Program Coordinator, Western New South Wales LHD

The Allied Health Rural Graduate Program (AHRGP), launched in 2023, aims to improve recruitment and retention of allied health professionals in Western NSW Local Health District. This structured two-year initiative provides recent graduates with support, education, and networking as they transition to the workforce. The program has shown success, with an 80% retention rate in its first year, and expansion to 50 graduates across eight allied health disciplines in 2024. In 2025, the program is moving AHEAD as the Allied Health Early Accelerated Development (AHEAD) Program, an embedded model supporting early career allied health professionals as ‘learners to leaders’ and strengthening the District’s allied health workforce. 


Katrina Rohr

Allied Health Rural Graduate Program Coordinator
Western New South Wales LHD

-         Training and upskilling for an increasingly digital workplace

-         Reshaping career paths for frontline care workers

-         Creating leadership programs that foster improved patient outcomes

-         Focusing on early career talent to improve retention rates

-         Attracting talent into rural healthcare


Elle Slade

Workforce Development Lead
The Royal Children’s Hospital


Heather Flynn

Director Workforce & Organisational Development
Albury Wodonga Health