Australian Healthcare Week Expo

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Australian Healthcare Week (AHW) is celebrating 8 years of growth and success, having firmly established itself as THE One-Stop-Shop for Australasia’s healthcare community.

Over 5,000 clinical, corporate, technology and infrastructure professionals will be attending Worldwide to experience the Free-to-Attend Expo held alongside the main conferences at the ICC Sydney.


From 21 - 22 March 2018, you can visit any or all of the following On-Floor Expo Zones on:

And the best part? You get to visit, learn, discover and connect with over 250 Exhibitors and thousands of healthcare professionals over 2 whole days for free!

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Here’s a snapshot of who to expect:

  • Adjunct Professor Kylie Ward FACN, Chief Executive Officer, Australian College of Nursing – presenting on the benefits of positive nursing leadership and key societal, political and economic influences nurses have on patients and communities
  • Amy Barnett, HITEC – Clinical Transformation Lead, QLD Health – presenting on HITEC’s unique processes and methodologies for transforming live data into meaningful information
  • Nick Abrahams, Partner, Norton Rose – Futurist – presenting on the remarkable opportunities that AI is and will be bringing into the healthcare space
  • Prof Michael Wilson, Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Heart & Lung Surgeons Sydney – presenting on new and emerging technologies and minimally invasive techniques applied in complex heart and lung surgery
  • A/Prof Munjed Al Muderis, Orthopaedic Surgeon and Founder, Osseointegration Group of Australia – presenting on the powerful combination of clinical and managerial skills in getting every detail right when designing your operating rooms
  • Dr Daniel Moon, Director Robotic Surgery, Epworth Healthcare – presenting on the integration of robotic systems and medical devices to create Epworth Richmond’s multi-disciplinary operating theatres
  • Colin Baker, Director of Radiology/Molecular Imaging & Therapy, Austin Health – presenting on key challenges in achieving seamless workflow integration between PACS and hospital systems
  • Matt Power, Former Group Manager – Energy & Environment, St Vincent’s Health Australia – presenting on how big data & IoT can drive energy reduction and enable focused maintenance 
  • Megan Shaw, Sustainability Officer, The Sydney Children’s Hospital Network – presenting on SCHN’s strategic Sustainability Reuse Program for Sydney’s Randwick and Westmead Super Precincts
  • Nazim Bayrak, Director of Support Services, Epworth Richmond – presenting on finding the right balance between clinical and corporate duties to enable effective facility management 
  • And many more…!

Spread the word and Register Now to experience Sydney’s favourite healthcare event!