Dementia Australia virtual reality and computer games to bring a positive change in dementia care

In this video, presenter Stephen Claney explores Dementia Australia’s Virtual Forest, Virtual Dementia Experience, EDIE and Dementia-Friendly Home App with Dementia Australia CEO Maree McCabe speaking about the benefits of the technology.
Dr David Sykes, Director, Dementia Australia is set to explore the role VR and AR in the aged care sector at the Aged Care Summit at Australian Healthcare Week 2019. David will also be leading a session on how the Centre for Dementia Learning at Dementia Australia is working with providers to be responsive to the needs of customers living with dementia.
This video is part of the #EveryThreeSeconds program, an international awareness raising campaign led by the global peak body, Alzheimer’s Disease International and made in partnership with Dementia Australia and ITN Productions.
To read more about the Australian element of the campaign, click here
This article was originally published on by Dementia Australia [original link]