Important Event Announcement: 10th Annual Australian Healthcare Week New Dates

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is a transformative global situation, requiring fresh thinking and increased safety precautions when hosting events.
After careful review of the current situation with COVID-19 and extensive consolation with the Australian Government Department of Health, NSW Health and key event stakeholders – including exhibitors and partners – the organisers of Australian Healthcare Week, IQPC Australia, have made the decision to reschedule Australian Healthcare Week 2020.
The event will now take place on the 17 - 18 March 2021. The venue, the International Convention Centre (ICC) Sydney, remains unchanged.
“While there are encouraging signs that Australia is emerging out of the other side of the pandemic, as Australia’s largest healthcare exhibition, our priority is to ensure the event continues to go from strength to strength and is delivered in a safe environment, with an audience of the highest quality and size for our sponsors, exhibitors and attendees.
We are excited to proceed with the event on the new dates and are confident this will allow us to deliver a superior customer experience. The Australian Healthcare Week Team will continue to develop digital contingencies in the unlikely event that COVID-19 continues to be problematic in 2021,” said Managing Director of Australian Healthcare Week, Lauren Kelleher.
These factors, coupled with advice received to date around restrictions on travel and large group gatherings, means it is advisable to postpone the event to March 2021.
In order to provide additional value for partners and sponsors, Australian Healthcare Week will supply new digital vehicles to help them generate pipeline and build relationships through online events, webinars, and other digital services.
Please be advised that existing registrations remain valid and Australian Healthcare Week will work with key stakeholders including exhibitors, partners and sponsors to mitigate inconvenience.
Australian Healthcare Week fully understands and appreciates the level of planning that is required to participate in the event and members of the team will be reaching out to event partners, sponsors and delegates over the next few weeks to help them prepare for the new dates.
For more information please email or call +61 02 9229 1033.