Nurses see change is needed within our health care system and they are willing to be the agents of change. There is no contesting that there is such a huge diversity in nursing, from nurse practitioners, paediatric nurses, nurse researchers, nursing mangers, equipment specialists. This is why I continue to be a nurse and have plans to continue for many years to come as long as the profession and patients will have me. I would encourage anyone, man or woman, to look beyond the traditional framing of nursing and see its translation into modern health care, love for people and willingness to challenge the status quo.
Confirming our
professional identity in the eyes of the general public: why our language and
stories are so important.
Queensland Health is currently implementing 400 nurse navigators and utilising them in a myriad of settings. This will not only help coordinate patient centred care but also improve patient outcomes and facilitate systems improvement. Learn more in this video interview with Shelley Nowlan, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, Queensland Health