9:00 AM - 9:10 AM Opening Remarks from IQPC and the Conference Chair
9:10 AM - 9:40 AM The NSW 10-Year eHealth Strategy: Implementation of Digital Health Capabilities Across NSW Health
9:40 AM - 10:10 AM Spotlight Presentation by PwC
- An overview of choosing a location, getting finance and the development phase of building the hotel.
- Addressing the challenges encountered, what they did wrong, and what they would do differently next time.
- Approaching design in a different way though technology and creating an experience that people love.
- Creating a vision and ensuring it works operationally.
Bruno Bont
Co-Founder and CEOHotel Not Hotel Amsterdam
10:10 AM - 10:40 AM Panel Discussion: Opportunities for Big Data and Clinical Analytics to Deliver Better Health Outcomes
Big Data and clinical analytics will change the way healthcare is practised and delivered. Greater exploration in how we can appropriately and innovatively apply the concepts and technologies of the information age to improve health must be every organisation’s driving ambition.
• What are the opportunities and challenges for big data and clinical analytics to improve decision making and healthcare outcomes?
• Is your workforce appropriately skilled to be able to utilise, understand and leverage Big Data?
• Data governance and cyber security measures need to be considered when managing Big Data
Parisa Kouchaki, Data Scientist, Macquarie University
Dr Ian Oppermann, CEO and Chief Data Scientist, NSW Data Analytics Centre
Zoltan Kokai, Executive Director Corporate Projects and Sustainability, Eastern Health
Dr Clair Sullivan, Consultant Endocriniologist and Medical Informatician, Princess Alexandra Hospital
10:40 AM - 11:00 AM Speed Networking Session
11:30 AM - 12:50 AM Interactive Discussion Groups
You will have the opportunity to participate in two discussions during this session
TABLE A: Safety and Quality in Digital Health and Electronic Medication Management - Proactive Review of System Use and Thematic Analysis of Incidents Arising
TABLE B: Predictive Modelling – How to Effectively Use Historical Data for Preventative Treatment
TABLE C: Opportunities and Challenges in Implementing E-Booking Systems to Connect Communities and Hospitals
TABLE D: How to Achieve a Win:Win with eReferrals: A Journey of Standardisation and Interoperability
TABLE E: Achieving Transformation in Complex Clinical Environments: Establishing a State-Wide Framework to Drive Sustainable Change, Embed Continuous Learning and Upskill Local Teams
TABLE F: Spotlight Interactive Discussion Group led by ICU Medical
- Focusing on hotel design as a primary driver for competitive advancement.
- Thinking about programed spaces to create social interaction and engagement within the hotel.
- Creating an out of the box style for boutique hotel design, what have we left behind and what might come.
- Addressing the challenging aspects of design and development.
11:50 AM - 12:30 PM The Planning, Design and Development Journey of The Old Clare Hotel
Timo Bures, General Manager, The Old Clare Hotel- Designing a property with a different approach that isn’t a maximum revenue churner model.
- Overcoming challenges with council departments, policies and procedures.
- Identifying the steps to personalise the experience of design and development.
- Collaborating with all stakeholders on the design and development of the project to deliver the best concept
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM The Development Journey of a Heritage Listed Building at COMO The Treasury
Kyle Jeavons, Development Director,, FJM Property- Highlighting the challenges of working with a heritage listed building to deliver a hotel back to the city of Perth.
- An overview of the design concept of COMO The Treasury and how it fits into the Perth community.
- Creating a peaceful space within a city through design concept and planning.
- Restoring the building to ensure international quality.
- Building a culture amongst the team within a 10 year project to deliver a finished product.
2:20 PM - 2:50 PM PANEL DISCUSSION: Creating a Legacy for the Future Design and Development of the Hotel Experience
, , Anneke Brown, General Manager, Como The Treasury Kevin Wallace, Managing Director, Asia Pacific, Dream Hotel Group Michael Smith, Group Operations Manager, 8Hotels Boutique Hotel Co.- Inspiring strategies for new innovative designs that creates a hotel with long-term value.
- Addressing the pros and cons of modern technology in the hotel.
- How can we build a legacy that is future proof?
- Discussing the impact of millennials and what they want not what we think they want.
- Creating lifestyle hotel and curated spaces.
- Creating and enhancing the experience to appreciate hotel designs.
- Analysing new trends, what’s in and what’s not, what have we left behind?
2:50 PM - 3:30 PM The Evolution of a Lifestyle Brand from a Boutique New York Hotel to a Global Business
Kevin Wallace, Managing Director, Asia Pacific, Dream Hotel Group- Keeping up with the competition through adapting to the customers needs.
- Implementing new technology into the hotel to stay fresh and meet the millennial traveler.
- Understanding how the first concept of a lifestyle brand was created in New York.
- An overview of development plans for the Dream Hotel Group going forward.
- How the operator and architects work with the owner to make it cost effective.