The Biggest and Most Influential Healthcare Exhibition In The Southern Hemisphere
11-12 March 2026 | ICC, Sydney

Creating Stress-Free Environments: The Five Biggest Health Facility Design & Development Trends

Creating Stress-Free Environments: The Five Biggest Health Facility Design & Development Trends

In late 2019 the team at AHW HQ released the newest Healthcare Week Report (if you missed it you can grab a copy here). The report found that as we move into the new decade the healthcare sector is experiencing a great deal of disruption. This disruption is driven by empowered consumers - change agents who have high expectations of the healthcare ecosystem and of their healthcare providers.

Through a survey of over 100 Australian healthcare professionals the report determined which hospital design and development trends were deemed the most effective at driving the experiences the modern, connected and informed patient wants from their healthcare provider. What has emerged as the biggest contributor to wellbeing, patient experience and care is the stress free environment.

Ahead of the Health Facilities Design and Development Summit 2020 we take a look at the five design trends Australian healthcare professionals have deemed key to creating stress free, patient-centric healthcare environments. Read on to learn more about each trend and explore use cases and practical applications for each.

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