The Great Debate: Who is the Client of the Hospital? The Patient, or the Clinician?

The Great Debate: Who is the Client of the Hospital? The Patient, or the Clinician?

Who should healthcare facilities be designed for? The patient, or the clinician? This question is undoubtedly a stumbling block for many. While patient centricity, comfort and convenience is key to optimal care, if clinicians aren’t kept in mind through the design and development phase of any project, whether structural or technological, how are they expected to effectively navigate the infrastructure and deliver care?

Ahead of Australian Healthcare Week, and The Great Debate, held on the Health Facilities Design and Development stage, we speak to two expert speakers, Ian Town, Chairman of the Christchurch Health Precinct Advisory Board and Gordon Bingham, Chief Nursing Information Officer at Allied Health. Harking back to their high school debating years, our panel aims to enlighten, encourage deeper thinking, offer critical perspectives, and maybe even coerce you into seeing their point of view. 

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