Dr. Ramsey Awad

Group Director Infrastructure and Strategy NSW Public Works

Health Facilities Design & Development (PAID) Day One: Wednesday, 19 March 2025

2:00 PM Case Study | How Hunter New England Local Heath District is leading the charge towards carbon and waste neutrality by 2030, and achieving savings of $2.2 million in the process

·      Examining the significant achievements in the first two years of the “Sustainable Healthcare together Towards Zero 2023 project, including a 24% reduction in CO2 emissions, a 23% decrease in water usage, and the world's largest health solar installation at John Hunter Hospital, contributing to recurrent savings of $2.2 million

·      Delve into the six focus areas—Energy, Waste, Water, Transport, Procurement, and Infrastructure—that are driving the district's sustainability efforts, supported by 30 staff-led Sustainability Action Groups and an array of public-private partnerships

·      Discuss the innovative projects and strategic partnerships that have earned HNE LHD recognition, including the 2021 NSW Banksia Award for "Net Zero" and the 2022 NSW Treasury Sustainability Advantage Bronze Award, positioning them as a model for healthcare sustainability across Australia

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Ramsey.

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