Kym is the QAS Falls Co-Response Program Coordinator. With a clinical background in occupational therapy, Kym has worked across the healthcare continuum in Queensland and Western Australia. She has a strong interest in development of clinicians and implementing service improvement initiatives for optimised patient experience and care. Kym has a Graduate Certificate in Digital Health, is a Certified Health Informatician of Australasia (CHIA) and is currently completing her masters by research.
In Queensland, falls are the biggest reason for Triple Zero calls, with over 117,000 calls for a fall related incident in 2023. The QAS Falls Co-Response Program is a pioneering initiative aimed at improving outcomes for these patients; the program deploys multidisciplinary units comprising of a paramedic and either an occupational therapist or physiotherapist to provide on-scene assessment, intervention and disposition planning for patients who have had a fall. Results include reduced hospital transport rates, improved response times, and streamlined referral pathways:
· Pilot sites in the Brisbane metropolitan region have worked closely with the local Hospital and Health Services for improved post-fall referral and follow-up
· Reducing likelihood of being transported to the emergency department (49% vs 77%)
· Streamlining care processes to reduce strain on hospitals, improving patient care and efficiency
· Expanding to 6 additional units following successful results from pilot sites
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