Natalie Wilson

Director, Transforming Your Experience South Western Sydney Local Health District

Care Reimagined Day One: Wednesday, 19 March 2025

11:00 AM Panel Discussion | Perfecting the Hybrid Model - Maintaining Human Connection in Digitally-Enabled Patient Care

As healthcare moves increasingly toward digital solutions, questions arise around maintaining the human elements of care that form the foundation of patient-centred practices. While digital transformation offers a host of opportunities to streamline the patient journey and improve experience, this panel discussion will explore the delicate balance between leveraging innovative tools and preserving meaningful, personal connections between patients and caregivers.

12:40 PM Presentation | How South Western Sydney LHD has Unlocked Insights from 100,000 Patient Surveys! Facilitating Valuable Real-Time Feedback To Transform Experience

Any transformation starts with an understanding of the current status quo. As such, healthcare needs to take into account the first-hand experiences of patients as it looks to evolve. At South Western Sydney Local Health District, Natalie and her team have embedded a real-time patient experience platform and collected over 100k of patient survey responses so far. The information gathered goes further than standard annual reports, providing more relevant and timely feedback to caregivers and other staff, therefore increasing internal engagement in improvement efforts. By enabling equitable feedback opportunities for consumers in the district, they have ensured the voice of their patients is heard and work to maximise value from ongoing insights.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Natalie.

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