Infection control is a subject that in recent years has come into sharp focus. Traditionally it was something that was only considered important for certain environments, such as in surgical theatres, aged care homes, laboratories or in food manufacturing/preparation industries. Now it is quickly becoming more prominent in everyday settings like workplaces and schools.
It’s more important than ever that builders, facility managers and workplaces are aware of the risks posed by poor infection control and actively work to reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses.
Some viruses can persist on hard surfaces for days. Bacteria like E. coli and MRSA can survive on some surfaces for months. However, regular deep cleaning of an office, school, factory or shop is a time-intensive and costly exercise, meaning it’s a task that is sometimes not attended to frequently enough.
AM-Clad antimicrobial wall sheeting assists in reducing the time and money needed to keep high traffic and high infection risk areas clean and disease-free.