Saving lives. Saving the planet.
Bridging the gap between our surplus and the scarcity of others.
MedEarth’s mission is to promote the protection and enhancement of our natural environment through a solid waste reduction program, by repurposing and redistributing medical supplies and equipment discarded by the health care industry.
One billion people live in developing countries on less than US$1 a day; more than 2.6 billion people lack access to basic sanitation facilities; and more than 30,000 children under five-years of age die every day, mainly from dehydration, undernourishment, and preventable diseases. Low- and middle-income countries bear 90% of the world’s disease but compose only 12% of the world’s health expenditures.
One of the main deficiencies in access to healthcare in developing nations is lack of resources. Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia are the most affected.
MedEarth believes that good health care should not be a luxury available only to people in high-income countries. Health care is not only a fundamental human right but also a key pillar of socio-economic development. We are a not-for-profit organisation that saves lives and the environment by recovering usable medical supplies and equipment (that was destined for landfill) and redistributing it as humanitarian aid to developing countries.