Nova Biomedical is a world leader in point-of-care and critical care whole blood in vitro diagnostic testing. Its products are marketed worldwide in six areas—Hospital, Clinic/physician Office, A&E, Veterinary, Blood Bank, and Self-test.
Nova’s Stat Profile Prime Plus® blood gas critical care analyzer provides blood oxygenation, tissue perfusion status, acid/base balance, electrolyte balance, fluid balance, glycemic control, and kidney function tests at the point-of-care, with gases, CO-Ox, and essential tests for electrolyte balance (iMg), plasma volume (ePV), kidney function (BUN, Creatinine, eGFR), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). CO-Ox results are available in only 45 seconds for ideal use in the cardiac cath lab.
Automated, true liquid QC, maintenance-free disposable cartridge technology, comprehensive cybersecurity, and simplified connectivity make Prime Plus easy to use and maintain. The new capillary blood microsample mode measures 11 critical care tests on just 90 microliters of blood in less than 90 seconds. Capillary mode provides an accurate and precise microsample alternative to arterial sampling when needed and conserves blood for critical care testing. The full test menu includes pH, PCO2, PO2, Na, K, Cl, iCa, iMg, Glu, BUN, Creat, Lac, Hct, Hb, SO2%, estimated plasma volume (ePV), and Co-Oximetry.
Validated in over 250 published studies throughout the world, StatStrip® hospital point-of-care glucose meters measure POC glucose while eliminating interferences and are the only glucose meters FDA-cleared for use with critically ill patients. This comes after extensive studies at Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins of more than 17,000 capillary glucose results on patients receiving intensive medical intervention/therapy. StatStrip Glucose technology has been studied extensively and is proven to be free of clinically significant interferences and demonstrates excellent agreement with central laboratory reference methods. Results are available in 6 seconds, using 1.2 µL of whole blood.
NovaMax® Pro Creatinine/eGFR is an important new tool to improve kidney care through screening and early detection of kidney disease in settings outside the hospital. Nova Max Pro measures blood creatinine and calculates eGFR (CKD-EPI equation) in just 30 seconds from a tiny 1.2 µL fingerstick blood sample.
The StatStrip Lactate, Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Meter System (StatStrip Lac/Hb/Hct) provides fast anemia and tissue perfusion screening and monitoring. Along with tiny fingerstick capillary samples (1.6 μL) and results in 40 seconds, StatStrip Lac/Hb/Hct improves clinical decision-making at the point of care.