Aged Care Transformation Day 2 (Free-to-attend)

Real-World Journeys of Innovation in Human-Centric Care: From Empathy-Focused AI Companions to Next-Gen Technologies and Solutions 

9:50 am - 10:00 am Opening Remarks from the Aged Care Transformation Stage Chair

George Margelis - Chair, Aged Care Industry Information Technology Council (ACIITC)

George Margelis

Aged Care Industry Information Technology Council (ACIITC)

10:00 am - 10:30 am OPENING KEYNOTE | Victorian Department of Health

Angela Mannix - Principal eHealth Advisor - Aged Care Lead, Victorian Department of Health

Victorian Government Initiatives Empowering Healthy Ageing: Progress and Priorities 

  • Enhancing Access to Integrated Health and Social Care Services 
  • Fostering Social Inclusion and Community Engagement 
  • Harnessing Cutting-Edge Digital Health Solutions to Improve Services for Seniors 

Angela Mannix

Principal eHealth Advisor - Aged Care Lead
Victorian Department of Health

Revolutionizing Aged Care: Harnessing AI and Robotics for Enhanced Wellbeing 

  • From Tradition to Innovation: Making Aged Care More Appealing and Accessible Through the Integration of Cutting-Edge Technologies.  
  • Ethical Design: Safeguarding Against Bias and Ensuring Cultural Sensitivity in AI Applications and Other Technologies for Elderly Care. 
  • Social Robots as Companions: Exploring the Role of AI Robots in Addressing Loneliness and Providing Emotional Support in Aged Care Settings. 
  • Upskilling the Workforce: Leveraging AI as an Additional Tool to Address the Growing Workforce Shortage and Enhance Efficiency and Efficacy of Elderly Care Services. 

George Margelis

Aged Care Industry Information Technology Council (ACIITC)


Prof. Vasso Apostolopoulos

Distinguished Professor
Head of Healthy Lifespan and Chronic Diseases Program, RMIT University


Dr. Tanya Petrovich

Business Innovation Manager
Dementia Australia


Johan Locke

Head Information Communication Technology
Australian Multicultural Community Services (AMCS)

11:10 am - 11:30 am Thought Leadership Session

11:30 am - 11:50 am CASE STUDY | Cybersecurity and Privacy in Aged Care: Real-World Case Studies of Challenges for Staff and Residents

Marlien Varnfield - Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO Australian e-Health Research Centre

Cybersecurity and Privacy in Aged Care: Real-World Case Studies of Challenges for Staff and Residents 


Marlien Varnfield

Principal Research Scientist
CSIRO Australian e-Health Research Centre

11:50 am - 12:10 pm CASE STUDY | Promoting Diversity & Inclusivity in Aged Care: Building Australia’s First Multi-Storey LGBTIQ+ and Friends Home

Samantha Jewell - Chief Executive Officer, Lifeview Residential Care

Promoting Diversity & Inclusivity in Aged Care: Building Australia’s First Multi-Storey LGBTIQ+ and Friends Home 


Samantha Jewell

Chief Executive Officer
Lifeview Residential Care

12:10 pm - 12:40 pm Networking Break

Innovation Outlook: Opportunities & Challenges in Aged Care Technology 

  • Enhancing Elderly Independence: Leveraging tech to empower seniors and enhance their quality of life. 
  • Navigating Regulatory Landscapes: Balancing innovation with compliance in the evolving aged care sector. 
  • Humanizing Digital Solutions: Ensuring technology enhances, rather than replaces, human connection and care. 

George Margelis

Aged Care Industry Information Technology Council (ACIITC)


Marlien Varnfield

Principal Research Scientist
CSIRO Australian e-Health Research Centre


John Papatheohari

Non Executive Director
Bairnsdale Regional Health Service


Johan Locke

Head Information Communication Technology
Australian Multicultural Community Services (AMCS)


Marissa Dickins

Research Fellow
Silverchain Group

1:20 pm - 1:40 pm CASE STUDY | Harnessing Virtual Reality to Deliver Real-World Impact: Talk with Ted, the AI Avatar Living with Dementia

Dr. Tanya Petrovich - Business Innovation Manager, Dementia Australia

Harnessing Virtual Reality to Deliver Real-World Impact: Talk with Ted, the AI Avatar Living with Dementia 


Dr. Tanya Petrovich

Business Innovation Manager
Dementia Australia

1:40 pm - 2:00 pm CASE STUDY | Creating an Integrated Model of Care Through Outcomes Design and Risk Stratification. How Australian Unity Is Reimagining Its Models of Care

Olivia Pantelidis - Executive General Manager – Care Partnering, Australian Unity

Creating an Integrated Model of Care Through Outcomes Design and Risk Stratification. How Australian Unity Is Reimagining Its Models of Care 


Olivia Pantelidis

Executive General Manager – Care Partnering
Australian Unity

2:00 pm - 2:30 pm Networking Break

2:30 pm - 2:50 pm CASE STUDY | Data-Driven Excellence: Driving Improved Resident Care in All Areas with Innovative Palliative Care Programs

Prof. Claire Johnson - Director, Palliative Aged Care Outcomes Program (PACOP), University of Wollongong

Data-Driven Excellence: Driving Improved Resident Care in All Areas with Innovative Palliative Care Programs 


Prof. Claire Johnson

Director, Palliative Aged Care Outcomes Program (PACOP)
University of Wollongong

2:50 pm - 3:10 pm CASE STUDY | Unveiling Tech Transformation Strategies to Foster Digital Maturity in the Aged Care Sector

Helen Kemp - General Manager Community Health and Care, Benetas

Unveiling Tech Transformation Strategies to Foster Digital Maturity in the Aged Care Sector


Helen Kemp

General Manager Community Health and Care

Empowering Healthy Ageing: Enhancing Support for Ageing in Place and Seamless Home-to-Care Transitions 

  • Virtual Care Revolution: Harnessing digital solutions to bring healthcare home, ensuring access and support for seniors. 
  • Home as Haven: Cultivating environments conducive to well-being, enabling ageing individuals to thrive in familiar settings. 
  • Transition Excellence: Streamlining pathways between home and care facilities, optimizing comfort and continuity for ageing populations.
  • Inclusive Care: How to ensure inclusive services in the care-at-home transition to respond to the diversity of seniors.

Prof. Vasso Apostolopoulos

Distinguished Professor
Head of Healthy Lifespan and Chronic Diseases Program, RMIT University


Olivia Pantelidis

Executive General Manager – Care Partnering
Australian Unity


Helen Kemp

General Manager Community Health and Care


Nikolaus Rittinghausen

The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing

3:50 pm - 4:00 pm Closing Remarks from the Aged Care Transformation Stage Chair