Digital Healthcare Day 1 (Free-to-attend)

Exploring the Brave New World of Human-Centric Digital Healthcare: Embracing Global Excellence and Local Ingenuity from AI Allies to Cutting-Edge Care 

9:50 am - 10:00 am Opening Remarks from the Digital Healthcare Stage Chair

Leanne Anderson - Chief Clinical Information Officer, Data Capture Experts

Leanne Anderson

Chief Clinical Information Officer
Data Capture Experts

10:00 am - 10:30 am OPENING KEYNOTE | Victorian Department of Health

Lance Emerson - Deputy Secretary - eHealth Victoria, Victorian Department of Health

Charting Victoria’s Healthcare Future: Digital Innovation at the Forefront 

  • Embracing data linkage and data sharing to enhance patient outcomes. 
  • Optimising emerging technologies, advanced analytics and AI to deliver the best care for Victorians. 
  • Establishing a longer-term vision for eHealth reform in Victoria. 

Lance Emerson

Deputy Secretary - eHealth Victoria
Victorian Department of Health

Digital Transformation in Healthcare: From Boardroom Vision to C-Suite Execution 

  • Strategic Alignment for Success: Aligning boardroom strategies with C-suite execution to drive meaningful digital transformation initiatives in healthcare organisations, while addressing governance challenges and building consumer support. 
  • Leadership in the Digital Age: Essential qualities required from both the boardroom and the C-suite to navigate and lead successful digital transformations, including how to navigate consent issues and other ethical considerations. 
  • Driving Innovation and Change: Discussing effective methodologies and practices for fostering a culture of innovation and change within healthcare organisations -- including Public-Private-Partnerships -- to ensure successful implementation of digital initiatives. 

Leanne Anderson

Chief Clinical Information Officer
Data Capture Experts


Meghraj Thakkar

Board Director & Chair (Audit and Risk Committee)
Grampians Health


Dr. Zivit Inbar

Board Director and Chair (People, Culture and Safety Committee)
Rural Northwest Health


Dr. Emily Kirkpatrick

Board Director
Southern Adelaide Local Health Network

11:10 am - 11:30 am Thought Leadership Session

11:30 am - 12:00 pm INTERNATIONAL KEYNOTE | Sheba Medical Centre, Israel

Idan Goldberger - Chief Executive Officer, Australian Friends of Sheba Medical Centre (AFSMC)

Connecting the Future: Localizing Global Healthcare Models


Idan Goldberger

Chief Executive Officer
Australian Friends of Sheba Medical Centre (AFSMC)

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm Networking Break

Navigating Mergers & Acquisitions in the Digital Health Era  

  • Cultural Alignment and Workforce Integration: Addressing challenges and opportunities in aligning organizational cultures and integrating diverse workforces, particularly in the context of technological disparities and training imbalances. 
  • Digital Systems Harmonisation: Exploring strategies for harmonising disparate digital systems post-merger to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and enhance patient care quality. 
  • Ensuring Service Quality and Safety: Discussing methods for maintaining and enhancing service quality and safety amidst organizational changes, including adapting to new quality and safety requirements such as those in obstetrics and intensive care models for remote areas. 

Tom Synnott

Digital Technology Lead
Hunter New England and Central Coast PHN


Kylee Ross

Chief Nursing & Midwifery Informatics Officer
Western Health


Sarah Charles

Chief Pharmacy informatics Officer
Northern Health


Amrita Ahluwalia

Executive Director - Transformation
Better Health Network


Mahtab Minai

Executive Director - North East Pathology Network
Eastern Health

1:10 pm - 1:30 pm Thought Leadership Session

1:30 pm - 1:50 pm CASE STUDY | Ushering In the Future of Integrated Healthcare Across the Grampians Health District

Dr. Rob Grenfell - Chief Strategy & Regions, Grampians Health

Ushering In the Future of Integrated Healthcare Across the Grampians Health District 


Dr. Rob Grenfell

Chief Strategy & Regions
Grampians Health

1:50 pm - 2:10 pm CASE STUDY | The Rise of Virtual Hospitals and Virtual Care: A Public Health Success Story

Sarah McRae - Chief Executive Officer, Calvary Amplar Health Joint Venture

The Rise of Virtual Hospitals and Virtual Care: A Public Health Success Story


Sarah McRae

Chief Executive Officer
Calvary Amplar Health Joint Venture

2:10 pm - 2:30 pm Thought Leadership Session

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Networking Break

3:00 pm - 3:20 pm CASE STUDY | Bringing Hospital Care to Your Doorstep: Practical Perspectives on Home-Based Healthcare

Dean Jones - Executive General Manager | Virtual and Home, St Vincent's Health Australia

Bringing Hospital Care to Your Doorstep: Practical Perspectives on Home-Based Healthcare


Dean Jones

Executive General Manager | Virtual and Home
St Vincent's Health Australia

Empowering Patients, Enabling Partnerships: Unleashing the Power of Care-In-Place and Virtual Care in a Value-Based Landscape  

  • Digital Transformation: Discover how digital technologies, such as telemedicine and remote monitoring, are revolutionizing clinical care delivery to better serve patients. 
  • Hospital-in-the-Home: Explore the transformative potential of hospital-level care provided in the comfort of patients' homes, reducing hospitalizations and enhancing patient experience. 
  • Care-in-Place Initiatives: Delve into innovative strategies for delivering high-quality care outside traditional healthcare settings, optimizing patient outcomes through personalized approaches. 
  • Value-Based Care: Examine the paradigm shift towards value-based care models, focusing on patient outcomes and efficient resource utilization in the evolving healthcare landscape.

Leanne Anderson

Chief Clinical Information Officer
Data Capture Experts


Sarah McRae

Chief Executive Officer
Calvary Amplar Health Joint Venture


Dr. Rob Grenfell

Chief Strategy & Regions
Grampians Health


Dean Jones

Executive General Manager | Virtual and Home
St Vincent's Health Australia


Alan Forbes

Chief Executive Officer
Patient Experience Group

4:00 pm - 4:10 pm End of Day One – Closing Remarks from the Chair

Leanne Anderson - Chief Clinical Information Officer, Data Capture Experts

Leanne Anderson

Chief Clinical Information Officer
Data Capture Experts